So Much Data, So Little Time

We met with a new client last month, a small-to-mid-size business. They had lots of data points, lots of acronyms, and lots of tracking. We asked two simple questions regarding each data point:

What action can you take with this data point?

How does this action impact store traffic, site traffic, and sales?

In less than an hour, we found 4 actionable and impactful data points they were tracking. Their marketing life suddenly became much simpler and less confusing.

They now focus on the marketing mix to the tools that could react to the actionable data. The impact, they doubled their leads and sales from the previous month WITHOUT increasing their marketing budgets.

Finding the answers to those two questions eliminates chaos and keeps smart, talented people focused on wants important…PROFITABLE REVENUES:)

May your revenues soar as in the wings of eagles.


David and Goliath


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